HYPE: The Chronicles of Exandria — The Mighty Nein Deluxe Edition is Available for Pre-Order RIGHT NOW!

Written by on May 12, 2020

We’re so excited to share additional information about our newest art book, The Chronicles of Exandria — The Mighty Nein, and also give you the very first look at our deluxe edition, which is available for pre-order right now from our US shop and our UK shop!

Encompassing the first chapters of our second campaign, this tome illustrates the adventures of our unlikely heroes as they meet in Trostenwald, struggle through a heartbreaking encounter with the Iron Shepherds, and more. Featuring stunning works by artists from the Critter community, The Chronicles of Exandria — The Mighty Nein is a beautiful way to revisit the origin of the Mighty Nein through the perspective of expositor Beauregard Lionett and the archivists of the Cobalt Soul.

The Chronicles of Exandria — The Mighty Nein features 260+ pages of some of the most breathtaking art created by 138 Critter artists from around the world, curated by our very own Liam O’Brien, Taliesin Jaffe, as well as our friend Lauryn Ipsum. Along with more art than your heart can handle, our new art book also includes story text by Liam, Taliesin, Dani Carr, and the cast of Critical Role. Our books were published by our amazing partners at Dark Horse (We love you!).

Our next art book is set for release on Tuesday, June 2nd, which is when deluxe edition pre-orders are expected ship from our online shops AND also the date when the standard edition will be available where ever fine books are sold.

We’re excited to share more details about the standard and deluxe editions, including pre-order information and a few special sneak peeks, so read on, dear reader… We have a lot of amazingness ahead!


The standard edition of The Chronicles of Exandria — The Mighty Nein features incredible custom cover art by Matteo Scalera and Moreno Dinisio and was designed by Lauryn Ipsum and Cindy Cacerez-Sprague.

The standard edition is currently available via pre-order for $44.99 USD at your favorite local bookstore (we encourage supporting small businesses!). If you happen to be looking for a new favorite bookstore (please be sure to inquire about pick up and online orders!), check out IndieBound’s independent bookstore locator here.

The Chronicles of Exandria — The Mighty Nein is also available for pre-order at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and more.


Both the standard and deluxe editions of The Chronicles of Exandria — The Mighty Nein are completely identical, however the deluxe edition has a few magical extras that we created with so much heart. These extras include:

  • A faux-leather, foil-stamped cover featuring art by Lauryn Ipsum and designed by Cindy Cacerez-Sprague
  • An annotated cloth map of the Dwendalian Empire, created by cartographer extraordinaire Deven Rue
  • A triptych-style lithograph featuring exclusive art by Sam Hogg
  • Character sketches of each of the Mighty Nein by Nick Robles
  • A flyer for the Fletching & Moondrop Traveling Carnival of Curiosities by Will Kirkby
  • A sumptuous invitation to the Lavish Chateau by Helen Mask
  • Blueprints for the Tinkertop Bolt Blaster 1000 by Fernando Furukawa
  • A pamphlet on the Traveller by Ceri Giddens 
  • Flower sketches by Lauryn Ipsum

The deluxe edition of The Chronicles of Exandria — The Mighty Nein will be available first to the Critical Role shops and is currently available for pre-order right now for $124.99 USD (in our US shop) and £124.99 (in our UK shop). The deluxe version of our art book is expected to ship on June 2nd and will be available at retailers and bookstores later on in 2020.

Check out a few sneak peeks behind the cover and our full artist credit list below.


Adrian Holguin @CryptidEyez @cryptideyez
Aimee Ernst @midnigtchan midnigtartist.tumblr.com
Aleksis Agustin @thealeksdemon artstation.com/thealeksdemon
Allison Huey @allison_huey allisonhuey.com
Alysa Avery @Lissinatorr alysaavery.com
Alyssa Trudel @lalalyssh instagram.com/lalalyssh
Amanda-Lee Hazimeh @leehzart instagram.com/leehzart
Amy King @sephiramy amymarieking.com
Anna “Rammaru” Janiszewska @dearHadrian dearHadrian.tumblr.com
Anna Molla @An_Ka_Mo
Anna Veltkamp @ruushes annaveltkamp.com
Anna Zee @AnnaZee_S annazees.tumblr.com
AnnaTheNewt @annathenewt annadousova.cz
Ariana Tressel-Orner @ornerine
Ash J @ShadowBanished
Aviv Or @AvivOr avivor.com
Axel @adragonswinging
Azra @Azraillu instagram.com/azraelion
Babs Tarr @babsdraws instagram.com/babsdraws
Bailie Rosenlund @bailierosenlund bailierosenlund.com
Bea Lu @bealuser
Bill Washington @bill_wash artofbillw.com
C. Hickey @ambikyu
Caemi @caemiel caemidraws.tumblr.com
Caio Santos @BlackSalander artstation.com/caiosantos
Cait May @caitmayart caitmayart.com
Camila Fortuna (Gunkiss) @GunkissArt instagram.com/Gunkiss
Carlos Lerma
Casey Bieda @sketchingsprw
Ceranna @captainceranna captainceranna.tumblr.com
Ceri Giddens @cerigg cerigiddens.com
Cindy Cho @kimchidraws
Coco May @WhatInSamDam
Colleen Frakes @ColleenFrakes tragicrelief.com 
Cornelia Abfalter @davien_art davien.at
CoupleOfKooks @kooks000 wehavekookies.tumblr.com
Courtney Facca @quortknee instagram.com/courtneyfacs
Csaba Csővári (KoboldArt) @KoboldArt artstation.com/koboldart
Damon Greenhalgh @DamonGArt artstation.com/damongreenhalgh
Daniel Bittencourt @bittencourtdan_ danbittencourt.tumblr.com
Danny McKay fed-red.tumblr.com instagram.com/fed_red_art
David ‘Noble’ Laundry @NobleIllustrate artstation.com/nobleillustrator
David René Christensen @BBoyFruit crushingrainbow.com
David Rodrigues @3rdclover 3rdclover.artstation.com/
Deven Rue @DevenRue instagram.com/Deven_Rue
Diana Whitney @shutupdiana dianawhitneydesign.com
Dinah Kalaha @kalahaha dinahkalaha.com
Donna Stong @StongholdArt
Elaine Ryan elaineryanart.com instagram.com/elaineryanartist
Elliott Berggren @planarbindings
Emi Linders @jesttothenines artstation.com/emileelinders
Emilie Tousignant @emtousi12 etousignant121.wixsite.com/mysite
Emmanuel Benedict Burgos Briones instagram.com/meow_meowbeenz emmanbriones.artstation.com
Emmanuel Padilla @TheRequiemMan
Eric Grimoire @eric_grimoire artstation.com/inkgrimoire
Erion Makuo @erionmakuo erionmakuo.com
Eva SeRu instagram.com/ivieiart artstation.com/iviei
Evgenia Leonova tumblr.com/shalizeh7
Faith Schaffer @faith_schaffer instagram.com/faith_schaffer
Fiona Staples @fionastaples fionastaples.com
Gina Smith @ginaleighsmith ginaleighsmithart.com
Hannah Friederichs @agarthanguide_ hannahfriederichs.com
Hantie Engelbrecht @blazingwire
Helena Macias Garcia (a.k.a Red Sinistra) instagram.com/RedSinistra artstation/redsinistra
Hugo Cardenas @Takayuuki_art hugo-cardenas.weebly.com 
Hunter Severn Bonyun @deerlordhunter instagram.com/deerlordhunter
Isabel Gibney @greyopals instagram.com/greyo.art
Isabella Kapur instagram.com/isajkapart
J Pomme @_jpomme jpomme.tumblr.com
Jack Hughes instagram.com/jackmrhughes jack-hughes.com
Jaws @jawsum_art jawsum.com
Jem Leigh @jemleighart Jemleigh.tumblr.com
Jeremy Ruihley @jeremyruihley jeremyruihley.com
Jessica Mahon @my2k umbrellaville.com
JH Kim @yettinim yettinim.tumblr.com
JK Harrison @tiramasuiart jkhillustration.com
Joanna Johnen @RavennoWithTea https://www.artstation.com/ravennowithtea
Jonah Baumann “GalacticJonah” @GalacticJonah galacticjonah.weebly.com
Jonatan Iversen-Ejve @EinenArt artstation.com/iversenejve
Jordan @ooolong_t instagram.com/ooolong.t
Jorge García @Joric_art instagram.com/Joric_art
Joy @arcanagoat
Kasia Brzezinska @avatarkasia instagram.com/avatarkasia
Katherine Rosser @ShorterSneakier instagram.com/ShorterSneakier
Katie O’Meara @KatieOurMatie patreon.com/katieourmatie
Kem Mackey al-kem-y.deviantart.com kemmackey.com
Kendra Wells @kendrawcandraw
Kent Davis @iDrawBagman artstation.com/idrawbagman
Kera Now @keranowcosplay instagram.com/keranowcosplay
Kyler Clodfelter @KylerClodfelter instagram.com/kyler_clodfelter_art
Lauren Rowlands @Larn_draws instagram.com/larn.rowlands
Lauryn Ipsum @LaurynIpsum laurynipsum.com
Lily Pressland @kroovv kroov.club
Lin EnLing @linllen artstation.com/linllen
Lin Romanov @rlinarts linromanov.com 
Linda Lithén @Darantha lindalithenart.com
Lindsey Moore @ookaookaooka flowerdragon.tumblr.com
Lorna Carver @LornArt_ lorn-art.tumblr.com
MartinPeder @MartinPeder MartinPeder.com
Mateusz Wilma mateuszwilma.com @mateuszwilma
Matt Collins @MXanderC instagram.com/Cherubiel
Max Beech @mbeechcreative instagram.com/maxbeechcreative
Meg Simmons @Megzilla87
Megan Bradbury @BusyMatches busy-matches.tumblr.com
Meggie B. Fox @MeggieBFox bottleshark.tumblr.com
Meghan Pagliaroni @smalltownink instagram.com/Starving_and_Arting
Mel de Carvalho @DemeruArt mdecarvalho.com
Michael Jäger @gears2gnomes gears2gnomes.tumblr.com
Mo Morris drawingisfornerds.tumblr.com instagram.com/mo_morris_illustration
Monica Gouveia Cabral @madqueenmomo madqueenmomo.tumblr.com
Naomi Hurrey @chikkenhawke artstation.com/naomihurrey
Nguyen Minh Hieu @WTH153 instagram.com/_hieu_the_artist
Nick Robles @ArtofNickRobles nickroblesart.com
Nikki Dawes @nikkidawesdraws instagram.com/nikkidawes
Noah Warner @noahawarner artstation.com/noahwarner
Olivia Hintz @oliviahintz instagram.com/oliviahintzart
Olivia Rea @nephelolivia artworkofolivia.artstation.com
OrcBarbies @OrcBarbies
Rachel May Boldt @rachelboldt
Raquel Mataix @Twisted_Sea facebook.com/raquelmataix
Rowan Caskey @hazeiwood hazeiwood.tumblr.com
Sam Hogg @Zephyri artofsamhogg.com
Sam Schechter @sam_schechter sam-schechter.com
Savanna Mayer @well_dipper nightmaskart.tumblr.com
Selina Espiritu @siriusdraws
Stephan McGowan stephanmcgowan.com
Stephen Oakley instagram.com/stephen.oakley artstation.com/possum
Stina B @astralwhat stinabart.com
TagliaWebs @TagliaWebs TagliaWebs.tumblr.com
Terren Yvon @spacecaptainz
Tess O @bitter_sweet_to bitter-sweet-tao.tumblr.com
Tom Jordan @boneforge artstation.com/boneforge
Tuesdae Butler @goodknight2sdae tuesdae.carbonmade.com
Ulvar @littleulvar instagram.com/littleulvar
Vanessa Dambach @vandambach vandambach.artstation.com
Wesley Griffith artstation.com/wesleygriffith
Whistler @artofwhistler evanleigh-davis.format.com
Will Kirkby @chamonkee


Current track

