Critical Recap: Critical Role C3E118 “The Hallowed Cage”
Written by Dani on January 8, 2025
Hello! Welcome to Critical Recap! I’m Dani Carr, the Critical Role Lore Keeper. Let’s dive into our recap of Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 118: The Hallowed Cage!
Bells Hells approach Ludinus, who is trapped within Dorian’s forcecage. He now has the purple veins that denote Exaltant power, having had Liliana’s abilities transferred to him temporarily. Ludinus believes that Bells Hells see things the way he does now, that he has never had anything to hide. They believe that Ludinus always wanted to be the vessel, though he claims this was only a contingency plan once he’d discovered her deceit.
Ludinus asks what Imogen would change if she was the vessel for Predathos. Imogen wants people to have a chance to change their fates. Laudna questions Ludinus’ relationship with the gods and he reveals his ancient backstory: his parents were devout followers of the Lawbearer all throughout the terror of the Calamity. They were collateral damage in the battle between the Lawbearer and the Crawling King. Their loss and the insincere condolences from the faithful forged Ludinus’ conviction.
Laudna asks about Ludinus’ faith in his mother and if she would want this, angering him, but he continues his sordid tale. After their deaths, Ludinus wandered and met other survivors who heard only silence when they looked for comfort. He believes the gods walked away because they fear their children and their children’s ambition, but Imogen believes they fear the collateral damage. Ashton is annoyed by how much Ludinus’ story makes sense to him and tells Ludinus to get over it. They have dead parents, too.
Ludinus, annoyed, turns to Fearne and asks what she would do with this power. Fearne would take care of her friends. She’s here because she’s curious – if the world is going to burn, she wants a front row seat. Now Ludinus turns to Laudna, who wants to speak for the elementals and the titans and those who can’t speak for themselves. As for Orym, Orym is done talking. This is predictable. He’s ready for Ludinus to come out of the box and tells the greatest mage in Exandria to go fuck himself.
Dorian wants to help steer whatever decision comes. Ludinus may think he’s right, but is this good? Braius is the outlier. He too has lost faith. He is sorry about Ludinus’ family and doesn’t know what he wants. Being alone, like Ludinus is, must be very hard. Braius goes to another corner of the room alone. Meanwhile, Chetney has been inspecting a side tunnel into the glass. He finds a chamber with a barrier of golden latticework that reminds him of the Divine Gate.
Imogen telepathically asks her mother if she knew she was meant to become the vessel. Liliana knew that Predathos requires a Ruidusborn to press through the boundaries. This is the true purpose of the Ruidusborn. While Ludinus monologues, Imogen casts misty step to the tunnel, where she takes off running. Ludinus sighs and escapes from the forcecage, teleporting directly to the latticework barrier.
Braius, alone, has painted a symbol on the wall and secretly prays to the Lord of the Hells for guidance and renewed faith. He receives a vision of his fallen lord sitting on a burning onyx throne. Braius explains that he has been shown other paths and that his mission is muddled without clarity. He was shaken by Ludinus’ story, which reminded him of his own, and has people who consider him their ally. Is he doing the right thing?
The Lord of the Hells tells Braius that he is on the cusp of a choice. Ludinus is tragic, but misguided. He needs new direction, but is too far gone – so he must be destroyed. Do not set Predathos free. Braius is asked who he walks with and answers that he walks with his Lord. Braius has a boon that he can use to help the Lord of the Hells, but how will he know when the time is right? He wishes only for family and a place to make his own.
The fallen lord tells Braius that he already has a family and a home, but he must protect it. His mission is clear – destroy Ludinus, do not free Predathos. If it must be freed, bend it to their will. Bend the vessels, as well. Braius is unsure if he will be strong enough to betray these new friends that he genuinely likes. Patience. They will strike together when the moment is right. Braius thanks his lord for not abandoning him and the Lord of the Hells says that Braius has always been special: now it’s time to show the rest of the world why.
The vision ends and Braius sees the others racing after the vanished Ludinus. All but Laudna, who was waiting for him. Braius explains that he was doing art and the two join the others to see Ludinus touching the barrier. Fearne casts earthbind and Ashton activates their Titan form as the fight begins, though Ludinus barely acknowledges them as he begins to push through the barrier. Orym snatches Ludinus’ staff away with Seedling’s grasping vine.
Ludinus casts ravenous void, opening up a black hole in the middle of the chamber that the group has trouble avoiding. Braius casts silence, successfully silencing the mage, but his new Exaltant powers bypass the need for verbal casting. Laudna aims her spell for the back of Ludinus’ neck, where a dark knot rests at the base of his skull. Successful attacks here cause extra necrotic damage and cause Ludinus to lose spell levels. Laudna throws Pâté at Ludinus, using him to cast shocking grasp on the back of Ludinus’ neck.
Surprisingly, Ira Wendagoth enters the fight as Bells Hells’ ally, attacking Ludinus. Ashton breaks Ludinus’ concentration on the Void as he breaks through several layers of the barrier. He begins to pull out a healing potion, but Imogen interrupts this with a successful power word stun. Orym, losing hope, is inspired by Imogen’s success and gets the How Do You Want To Do This with slices on the neck from Seedling. Ludinus’ last words are a plea – “Finish what must be done. Please.”
With those final words and a dying smile, Ludinus Da’leth dies. Ira, deeply pleased, laughs in Ludinus’ face. Imogen holds Orym. They did it. There are still a few boundaries holding the barrier intact. Ludinus nearly broke through. Braius asks if they should keep going, but they worry about there being copies of Ludinus in the world. Ashton thinks this is the beginning of a new age that belongs to the children. They shouldn’t be lorded over by ancient people who think they know better. This is a chance to change things.
Chetney uses grim psychometry on the barrier, feeling divine fear and a collapsing civilization. He can sense a will beyond the boundary, aware and inviting. Bells Hells question if there is a choice that stops Predathos from feasting. Ludinus has already unraveled this thread. Exandria will act. As they begin to examine Ludinus’ staff, they realize that Ira has disappeared. They attempt to cast identify on the staff, but it rejects being identified.
Suddenly, Ludinus’ body disintegrates. His body isn’t fiendish, according to Chetney’s nose, so this makes no sense. They use the sphere of dunamantic restoration, gaining the benefits of a short rest. Laudna notices that the runes on the staff haven’t recharged, so they try to identify it again – this is a staff of soul bind relay, meant to extend the range of a spell. They believe that the staff has likely sent Ludinus’ soul into a clone on Exandria. Which means they have to deal with Predathos now.
Imogen steps forward, touching the barrier. The boundary gives as her energy is met by the presence on the other side. The next boundary, followed by the next, gives away. Imogen and Fearne can feel that sense of belonging, as if they had been working to get here. Bells Hells walk into the core of Ruidus, a chamber with walls of crystalline spikes and obelisks. The rocks are twisted to resemble structures.
In the center of the room is a mote of soft, teal light. A childlike voice emanates, innocent and sad and half awake. They’re here. The mote takes the form of a small child made of light. This child wants to leave. It wants to wake up. It’s so hungry. Imogen tries to talk to it, explaining that people are scared, but it focuses on its hunger. Ludinus was the first to reach it and he promised to set it free. Predathos can only hear its children now.
Predathos doesn’t know where it came from. Bells Hells see flashes of distant starscapes and towers of possibility and an all-consuming desire to feed. Imogen says they want to help, but Predathos hurts people. It doesn’t understand. If they can’t help, what will it do? Predathos will bring others. It will make more of its kin. The room quakes and glows – another Ruidian flare. Predathos steps forward. Can they go?
Orym protectively steps forward in front of Imogen and Fearne. He is afraid of the trouble and pain that Predathos leaving might bring. Could it leave instead and return to where it came? Predathos will leave, but first it must eat. They feel a burst of its hunger and see visions of temples and symbols. Its need to feed on the divine. Would Predathos spare some of the gods? It simply repeats that it needs to eat. Laudna reaches for the mask given to them by the Matron, but it is cold to the touch.
Predathos moves around Orym, approaching Fearne and Imogen. Chetney steps forward to intervene and is shunted off to the side. Predathos asks over and over if they can go. It reaches out to Fearne and Imogen. Fearne resists, while Imogen does not. The light enters Imogen. She rises in the air, her skin turning red and scaled, her limbs extending and her eyes glowing. Predathos begins to overtake her as Fearne calls Imogen’s name. Imogen feels herself begin to disappear, forgetting her own self – but then she hears Fearne call her name.
That is it for Episode 118 of Critical Role!
- RIP in pieces, Ludinus Da’leth. Cheers to a helluva adversary.
- Oh shit Braius, what are you gonna do with this newly solidified partnership with the Lord of the Hells!
Catch Episode 119 on Thursday, January 9th at 7pm Pacific on, where Beacon members get access to the entire episode, podcast included! The episode will also release on and on and a week later on our podcast. Is it Thursday yet?