HYPE: Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, Our New Campaign Guide from Dungeons & Dragons, is Available for Pre-Order RIGHT NOW!
Written by Alex on January 13, 2020
Hello, bees!
We’re thrilled to share some massive news today: Our next campaign guide, Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, created with love with our friends at Dungeons & Dragons, will release on Tuesday, March 17th; and you can pre-order this handsome tome via the Critical Role US shop, D&D Beyond, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Roll20, and your favorite local game store right now!

Adventure awaits! Cover art by Karl Kerschl.
Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount was written by our beloved Dungeon Master, Matthew Mercer, alongside a team of designers including our Content Producer, Chris Lockey (Creature Codex, Deep Magic: Mythos Magic), James Introcaso (Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Eberron: Rising from the Last War, Burn Bryte), and James Haeck (Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus).
In this extensive 5th Edition campaign guide, you will also find a wealth of art created by an amazing roster of artists, including some folks that you may recognize from the Critical Role community. Special thanks to each of the artists that contributed art to Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount: Even Amundsen, Jonah Baumann, Mark Behm, Eric Belisle, Dan Bittencourt, Zoltan Boros, Wesley Burt, Clint Cearley, Jedd Chevrier, Chippy, David René Christensen, CoupleOfKooks, Joma Cueto, Alayna Danner, Kent Davis, Nikki Dawes, Axel Defois, Olga Drebas, Lars Grant-West, Julian Kok, Linda Lithen, Jessica Mahon, Andrew Mar, Marcela Medeiros, Robson Michel, Goñi Montes, Irina Nordsol, Stephen Oakley, Robin Olausson, Claudio Pozas, Livia Prima, Jenn Ravenna, Nick Robles, Caio E Santos, David Sladek, Brian Valeza, Anna Veltkamp, Richard Whitters, Shawn Wood, Zuzanna Wuzyk, and Anna Zee. Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount also features maps by our friend and cartographer extraordinaire Deven Rue. You can check out just some of the art from our campaign guide at the bottom of this article.
Here’s what you can expect from Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount:
- 304 pages of material that will help you create your own dynamic campaign set within Exandria’s mystery-laden continent of Wildemount
- Four starting adventures, set in four different regions of Wildemount, which are full of terrifying discoveries and dangerous secrets. These adventures have been designed to take your adventuring party from level one to three
- Three brand new subclasses: Echo Knight, Chronurgist, and Graviturgist
- A guide to dunamancy magic, including new dunimantic spells!
- 23 brand new creatures for your heroes to encounter (if they’re lucky…or not, depending)
- Descriptions for brand new magic items and Wildemount’s legendary Vestiges of Divergence
- A guide to the calamitous history of Wildemount
- An extensive breakdown of the Wildemount pantheon, featuring idols and demigods that exist outside of the pantheon
- A breakdown of the major and minor factions found in Wildemount and important figures within each faction
- A gazetteer replete with locations familiar to Critical Role fans (alongside curious locales only hinted at in bygone lore)
Also, an important note: Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount is centered around the conflict between the Dwendalian Empire and Kryn Dynasty, so we’ve included a guide to help you scale how much of an impact these disputing parties may have on your own campaign. As always, we invite you to create something magical that fits your adventuring party’s vibe and play style — be it heroic, silly, sinister, or anywhere in between.
This is our biggest campaign guide yet, and we’re so excited for you to explore the epic, awe-inspiring continent of Wildemount!