Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire: Build Vox Machina In-Game!
Written by Alex on April 17, 2018
In case you missed our announcement earlier this month, Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, the sequel to Obsidian Entertainment’s award-winning RPG, will include the sweet honey voices of the entire Critical Role cast — each cast member will play a major character within the world of Eora. You can check out the full casting announcements right here on Obsidian’s community forum.
If that wasn’t enough Critical Role for you, Deadfire will also allow you to create Vox Machina as your companions within the game. The free Vox Machina DLC will drop at the game’s release on May 8, 2018 and include custom voice sets and character portraits of our very own Exandrian heroes. This means that you could theoretically build an entire squad of Gilmores to help you along the way.
Let me repeat that:
Also, be sure to check out our landing page on the Versus Evil website periodically for new Vox Machina portrait reveals.
For more information and to pre-order for PC, Linux, and Mac by visiting versusevil.com/criticalrole.
Check out our announcement and promo videos below.
Please note that our partnership with Obsidian is part of a paid promotion. We’re all huge fans of the work that they do and hope to see you in Eora!