Written by Christina on May 4, 2020
Get ready to do some virtual hugging, Critters! We have a new show that’s all about spreading the love around our incredible tabletop community.
Join Matthew Mercer and Mica Burton for Critter Hug as they shine a spotlight on awesome projects, creators, and businesses in the tabletop gaming industry. You may just find a new indie game to try out, learn to DIY some miniature terrain, or start up your bucket list of local game stores to check out on that grand gaming-themed road trip you have planned!
Critter Hug lands on the first Monday of every month, and the first episode just dropped! To ease any concerns, our very first episode was filmed a few months ago before our company began practicing social distancing.
Special thanks to Critical Bard (@CriticalBard) for creating the cutest and catchiest Critter Hug theme song!
Thanks for joining us for the love fest!