Critical Recap: Critical Role C3E119 “Predathos Awakened”

Written by on January 22, 2025

Hello! Welcome to Critical Recap! I’m Dani Carr, the Critical Role Lore Keeper. Let’s dive into our recap of Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 119: Predathos Awakened!


Imogen is overtaken by the essence of Predathos. Predathogen looms 40ft tall, with multiple limbs and a crimson body. Imogen herself sits in a dark red space between worlds. She can sense Exandria and its overlapping realms, as well as feel the distant tethers of the Ruidusborn. She can sense the light of the divine and the overwhelming hunger – but only for those divine lights. Her friends attempt to reach her, to no avail, and a battle between Predathogen and Bells Hells kicks off.

Dorian quickly figures out that Predathogen is vulnerable to thunder damage, exposing a major weakness due to all the glass. Multiple attempts are made to reach Imogen, with Ashton realizing that Imogen is physically inside this Predathos shell. Predathogen uses an ability to spread golden geometric light and rearrange the party around the room. During this, Imogen sees a golden specter that she inspects and realizes is one of the original devoured gods – Vordo the Golden Weaver.

Vordo’s essence is still sustaining Predathos and Imogen tries numerous ways to gain its help. But the god is deceased, unable to assist her, so Imogen casts shocking grasp through its golden tether, releasing Vordo’s essence and severing its connection to Predathos. This removes the god-eater’s ability to access Vordo’s powers. However, Predathos has another god’s abilities to fall back on and summons Ethedok, the Endless Shadow, who Imogen cannot see and therefore cannot attack.


Meanwhile, fighting continues against Predathos as Bells Hells whittle away at Predathogen’s defenses. Laudna takes out the mask they received from the Matron of Ravens, ready to ask the god for her assistance. When she puts it on, though, nothing happens – this mask is a fake that was switched out by Braius, who has the real mask. Braius heals himself, accidentally healing Predathos as well, which only enrages Laudna more.

Fearne focuses on reaching out to Imogen, slapping Predathogen’s face and screaming that Laudna is hurt. These words finally reach Imogen, who sees a red glow in the surrounding darkness. She pushes forward and through, falling to the ground and rejoining Bells Hells in person! With Imogen still connected but no longer its direct host, Predathos’ face is truly revealed, that of a red crested head similar to the Reilorans.

Laudna follows Braius, confronting him about the mask. He says that he is fulfilling his promises, his mission, and she won’t stop him. Laudna launches herself at Braius, pushing her face into the real mask. Time slows to a trickle as Bells Hells find themselves within the Matron of Ravens’ blood pool. The Matron looks down at them, ready to talk.


Imogen quickly explains to the Matron and her friends that, while within Predathos, she saw the light of the gods and was driven to find and consume them – but that she saw ONLY the gods. No mortals. This makes Imogen truly believe that Predathos will not harm humanity if it cannot eat the gods. Its focus is singular. Imogen should be able to control Predathos if they are able to break its body down again.

As the Matron herself once ascended and gained control, Imogen asks her for guidance on how to control a god. All things can be brought low for a time, even if they can’t be destroyed. That’s how the gods sealed Predathos away last time. Imogen thinks this is the time for change, but doesn’t want to kill the gods or make them leave. This is an endless cycle.

Imogen suggests that the gods once more become mortals, the way they did when they infiltrated Aeor. Since Predathos cannot see mortals, they will be safe. The gods can hide on Exandria with their children, or they can run. The Matron believes she can reverse the rites she designed before, but this would need the gods’ consent. She would also need to utilize the Luxon in order to weave their rebirth – but the gods must be convinced.


First, Predathos must be laid low. This will give the Matron time to reassemble and reverse the rites. It is up to Bells Hells to weaken Predathos enough for Imogen to take control and carry it beyond the threshold before the Exandrian armies reseal Ruidus. The gods will not be able to harm the individual who holds Predathos, which is a mighty bargaining chip. The Matron offers Bells Hells two boons – they can choose from Potency, Fortification, Convalescence, Restoration, and Understanding.

Fearne and Imogen, as the Ruidusborn, make their choices – Convalescence and Understanding, respectively. Convalescence restores 28 levels of spell slots amongst the party and Understanding allows the party to gain two entire levels, making everyone temporarily Level 17. The Matron tells them to survive and their moment with the god ends, returning them to the fight with Predathos.

Powered up, Bells Hells unleash their attacks on Predathos, focusing on thunder damage. Dorian gets the final blow with chromatic orb, a spell he fondly recalls using in his early days with the party. Predathos shatters into thousands of glass pieces and victory washes over the party – but suddenly the room quakes. The head of Predathos erupts from the back of the chamber, its arms emerging from the cavern floor. Predathos’ second form encompasses the chamber and it is enraged.

That is it for Episode 119 of Critical Role!


  • TWO LEVELS?! Okay okay, here we go:
    • Fearne – Rogue x2
    • Orym – Fighter x2, Fighting Initiate – Duelist feat
    • Laudna – Sorcerer x2
    • Imogen – Sorcerer x2, bumped ability scores to INT (12) & WIS (14) and took metamagic – transmute
    • Chetney – Blood Hunter x2, Tough feat
    • Dorian – Bard x2, bumped ability scores to CON (18) & CHA (17)
    • Ashton – Barbarian x2
    • Braius – Paladin x2, Tough feat
  • The gods might become mortals! But will they all agree? Will anyone cut and run?
  • BRAIUS MORE LIKE BETRAY-US!! Sir!! Though he did already apologize.

Catch Episode 120 on Thursday, January 23rd at 7pm Pacific on, where Beacon members get access to the entire episode, podcast included! The episode will also release on and on and a week later on our podcast. Is it Thursday yet?

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