Critical Recap: Critical Role C3E105 “Gathering Legends”

Written by on September 4, 2024

Hello! Welcome to Critical Recap! I’m Dani Carr, the Critical Role Lore Keeper. Let’s dive into our recap of Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 105: Gathering Legends!


Imogen receives a strange waking vision from her mother Liliana, who is under Ludinus’ watchful eye and reveals that he is sending the other Ruidusborn away (Liliana’s unsure where, exactly). She does know that Ludinus has sent one of his Simulacrum to broker with Sorrowlord Zathuda and the Unseelie Court in the Shrine of Gilded Gifts within the Amethyst Gulch Sierras of the Fey Realm. Ludinus needs the assistance of the Unseelie, but their absence since the destruction of their fey Malleus Key has not gone unnoticed.

Liliana confirms that the area around the Malleus Key on Exandria was terraformed by the Weave Mind, who have now returned to Ruidus. Ludinus has been spending his time at the Burrow site, but they haven’t breached the Hallowed Cage, yet. Liliana anxiously reveals that Ludinus wants her to use her Exaltant powers near a nexus point to broadcast the Aeor revelations from the Occultus Thalamus. She is unsure what to do, and asks Imogen for guidance. Imogen tells her to try to keep it from happening, but to do what she must in order to stay safe.

The vision fades, and Imogen’s mind returns to the Trial Forge in Vasselheim. She informs everyone of Liliana’s information, and Fearne fills them in on the fey history of the Amethyst Gulch Sierras. This purple range of mountains and forest once housed a vibrant arts community called the Pravenier, or the Kaleidoscopic Tapestry. Long ago there was a mass poisoning of this community, and the now haunted village has been reclaimed by the wilds.


Bells Hells return to the Platinum Sanctuary, where Braius and Fearne discuss their various relationship statuses: Fearne is still figuring out what she wants and what Ashton wants, while Braius is looking for companionship and has his eyes on Orym and Fearne. Orym notices an older man who could be Dorian’s father and informs Dorian of his presence. Chetney and Dorian both cast see invisibility, spotting invisible guardians and the silver dragon perched on the ceiling. This dragon is Athudashionus, and he casts a zone of truth on the room.

Vex’ahlia, as representative of the Tal’Dorei Council, pitches their plans—sending Vox Machina to the Malleus Key, and the Mighty Nein to assassinate the Weave Mind. The Mighty Nein are broadly unknown, but the Bright Queen and Allura both vouch for the group’s abilities. Keyleth announces their plan to have Bells Hells take out Ludinus on Ruidus, but many within the council are unsure if Bells Hells can be trusted. Imogen declares that many of them have lost much to Ludinus and personally want to bring him down.

Braius claims to be a devout follower of the Platinum Dragon and vouches for the party, saying that he’s traveled with them for months and that he knows their individual strengths. He mentions that Orym was blessed by the Wildmother, allowing Orym to show off Seedling’s upgrade, but Highbearer Vord questions Braius’ devotion to the Platinum Dragon. Braius describes the Fallen Saint, Saint Graham—he fell from the path and was cast away before returning to the light of the Platinum Dragon and dedicating his life to helping those who had strayed. Braius agrees to represent the Platinum Dragon, but Vord is unconvinced.


The High Heirophant Ophera is disturbed by Laudna’s necromancy, but Laudna pays homage to both the Arch Heart and the Matron of Ravens, reminding them all that death is part of life and that it’s good to have a bit of darkness when fighting the dark itself. The Coven of the Veil support Laudna, saying that light and dark balance each other and that they are pleased a shadow walks within Bells Hells.

Highbearer Vord questions Ashton and Fearne’s titan influences. Ashton calls this issue offensive and claims to serve the weak, the forgotten, and the dirt beneath their feet. If that is not enough, Ashton will fight without their permission. Fearne says she is not a worshiper of any god, but believes they should all live. Ashton and Fearne both activate their shards, showing off their titan powers, as well as Ashton’s dunamis head. The dragon Athudashionus is impressed.

As for Dorian and Chetney? Chetney offers his 400 years of wisdom and knowledge of the past highs and lows of this world. He will not allow the slate to be wiped clean. Oh, and he’s also a werewolf. Dorian is pressed by Cerkonos of Pyrah into declaring what he has to offer, and plays a haunting tune that his mother used to sing to him. He accidentally casts find greater steed via the song, summoning an equine dragon of his family named Coriolis. Dorian’s heart desires to make a difference. Chetney says they have succeeded for them to this point, so they should allow them to continue succeeding.

Keyleth takes the floor. They carry their greatest hope and all the weight and strength that comes with it. Keyleth bestows titles upon Bells Hells:

  • Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Psion of the Ancient Flame
  • Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree
  • Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
  • Chetney Pock O’Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
  • Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
  • Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm
  • Orym of the Air Ashari, Saviour Blade of the Tempest
  • Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum’s Call

The meeting ends with the stage now set to assault the Moon of Ill-Omen.


Dorian is approached by his father, Zeru Wyvernwind. The two mourn Cyrus together, embracing as Dorian finally weeps for the loss of his brother. Zeru wants Dorian to embrace his role as heir of The Silken Squall, but Dorian asks his father to trust and believe in him. Zeru is afraid of losing his son, but believes Dorian can accomplish this task. Zeru gives him Gambolcleft the Vortex Blade, the symbol of leadership in their family, and Dorian gives his father the Gambler’s Blade, vowing to return for it. Zeru looks upon his son with pride before walking away.

Chetney, meanwhile, is approached by a gnome steward with a blond pompadour. This is Scalebearer Weyland Amaredda, and he is a huge fan of the work of Chetney Pock O’Pea. Weyland is a member of the C-Poppers, a Chetney fan club. Chetney tells Weyland to speak with his assistant Imogen about scheduling time to see Weyland’s collection of Chetney’s pieces. Highbearer Vord confronts Braius, who confesses to lying and explains what occurred in Zadash with Overseer Marlo. He shows Vord the symbol of the Platinum Dragon that Marlo broke. Braius kept it in the hopes of piecing it back together and gaining their trust.

Vord flares, but Pike Trickfoot’s voice comes through, reminding Vord to give him a chance for redemption. Vord agrees and bestows upon Braius the fabled plate mail of Uthor Vendrock the Silvered Star, a noble warrior of the Platinum Dragon. Braius wears the mail, but it is clear that Vord is keeping an eye on him. Keyleth talks to Imogen, sensing the burden she carries. Imogen informs Keyleth about Liliana and the upcoming meeting in the Fey Realm. Imogen is afraid of Predathos’ pull and Keyleth trusts her to not let go of that. If Orym trusts her, then so does Keyleth. She leaves, flying off as a hawk to go and convince the rest of Vox Machina to return.


Chetney approaches the Bright Queen, asking for her staff or an artifact in order to aid Bells Hells. She teases him, then asks him about Ashton. If Chetney returns and brings her Ashton, she will reward him. Chetney goes to Ashton and mentions the Bright Queen but doesn’t bring up the proposal. Instead, Ashton goes to her of their own volition and apologizes. He is unsure why his head bothers her, but would like her advice.

The Bright Queen says to look inward when they need to focus and let the smallest bead of light bloom. Ashton might be able to break the fundamental powers of the universe—if they can learn to control this power. She tells him to discover his path, then return so they can compare notes. As she leaves, the Bright Queen gives Chetney a nod.


Bells Hells talk to Weyland, showing off their toys from Chetney. Weyland is delighted, amazed by the craftsmanship of each piece and its unique place in Chetney’s oeuvre. He takes them to his home, which he has turned into a C-Pop museum. It is filled with cabinets, toys, chairs, tables, all made from Chetney’s hands over different periods of his life. Weyland’s first and most treasured piece is a small wooden egg that he keeps locked in a safe—it’s from Chetney’s Oblivion era. When the egg is correctly twisted, it opens to reveal a pearl inside. Weyland believes that only 4 eggs were made, but Chetney reveals there are actually 5.

Chetney recognizes other collections from 400 years of his life and work—TALO (Take a Load Off) and Sensual. Many of the pieces are now priced at far more than he was paid for them originally. Bells Hells decide to stay the night and Weyland takes them to a room with beds from Chetney’s Dwarf Futon Collection. Weyland asks if Chetney will come to POP-Con after everything is over and Chetney agrees.

That is it for Episode 105 of Critical Role!


  • How does one join the C-Poppers? Are the membership cards made of wood? I want to write for the zine!
  • Those are rad titles. I like to imagine Keyleth and Vex staying up all night brainstorming together about what to call everyone.
  • Will Braius become the Fallen Saint himself? Or will Braius stay loyal to Asmodeus? Only time will tell!

Catch Episode 106 on Thursday, September 5th at 7pm Pacific on, where Beacon members get access to the entire episode, podcast included! The episode will also release on and on and a week later on our podcast. Is it Thursday yet?

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