ICYMI: Campaign 3 Premieres October 21st & State of the Role Updates

Written by on September 30, 2021

Earlier today, we shared some exciting details about our third campaign. Check out the entire State of the Role video below and read on for a quick summary.


This Party’s Just Getting Started! (for the third time)

Join us for the Campaign 3 premiere on Thursday, October 21st at 7pm Pacific as a yet-to-be-named adventuring party starts off their journey on the continent of Marquet! Like always, you can watch the premiere broadcast via our Twitch and YouTube channels. Campaign 3 Episodes VODs are available immediately following the broadcast for Twitch subscribers and are available on YouTube Mondays at 12pm Pacific. Podcasts of each episode are available the following Thursday.

Chronologically in the Exandria timeline, Campaign 3 begins after the events of Exandria Unlimited. While there may be occasional mentions of events, characters, and lore from previous campaigns, you don’t need to have watched or listened to any Critical Role before jumping into Campaign 3.

Theater of the Mind in a Real Theater!
You can ALSO view the premiere in theaters with other Critters through a handful of special screenings in the United States offered by our friends at Cinemark! If you’d like to attend a special screening and for more information about Cinemark’s enhanced safety measures, please visit cinemark.com/criticalrole.

Some Things Old, Some Things New
Throw all those expectations out the window! This campaign, while still featuring the same elements you know and love, including our lovely original cast, will be a bit different than previous campaigns in ways you’ll see as the story unfolds…. Mysterious… BUT AWESOME! Brace yourself for the unexpected.

The Same, But Different
During the pandemic, we began pre-recording episodes to better accommodate the safety of our cast and crew. Pre-recording allows us flexibility in our schedules for when we need to take a short rest and to better promote the happiness and healthiness of our cast and crew.

While we will continue to pre-record episodes, they will remain unedited, just like always. You’ll see every time Marisha flails around and hits her new seat neighbor, every second of Sam’s bits (for better and for worse), and every single time Laura stops everything to laugh at an accidental innuendo. Rest assured, nothing about how you experience Critical Role will change.

Short Rests to Support the Long Haul
And along those same lines, we’ll be taking the last Thursday of every month off from the main campaign (excluding this first month of October since we’re just getting started). We may use this open time slot for additional programming or just use it as a rest. This monthly break will also allow Critters some extra time to catch up when needed.

You can keep up to date with our weekly programming schedules posted here on critrole.com every Monday at 10am Pacific.

New Set, Who Dis?
We’ve been hard at work building a brand new set! It’s pretty epic and quite the sight to behold. We’ll be sharing a very nifty behind-the-scenes video of its creation in a few weeks.

Aftershow Incoming… But Later!
Once Campaign 3 is up and running, we’ll turn our attention to our brand new aftershow, coming in early 2022!

Welcome (Back) to Exandria!
Keep your eye out between now and our Campaign 3 premiere for a few projects bringing you into the world of Exandria, including a deep lore dive on the history of Exandria that provides great background for anyone new to the world and an excellent refresher for those who have watched along for several hundred hours.

And that’s all the news we have summarized! We’ll see you in Exandria on Thursday, October 21st at 7pm Pacific!

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