Fan Art Gallery: Parting Ways
Written by Alex on July 12, 2018
Each week, the cast of Critical Role curates art from you — our amazingly talented community — and we hand-select a group of pieces for our weekly fan art gallery.
If you’d like to submit your art for the gallery on our site or for the art sizzle reel that plays before Critical Role (and during the intermission), here’s how you can submit:
- Use the hashtag #criticalrolefanart on Twitter or Tumblr or email your art to
- And, if you’d like to submit your art for Fan Art of the Week prize, please email your submission to Don’t forget — the cut off for Fan Art of the Week and GIF of the week submissions is Tuesdays at 9am Pacific and the contests are open to legal residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec).
Thanks so much to @AnanasDragon for creating our fantastic header art above.
To be taken into our gallery experience, click or tap one of the thumbnails below. You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard or swipe on mobile to enjoy larger versions of the art in this week’s gallery. For even more art from our community, check our last week’s gallery (Hupperdoozy) here.
- @deerlordhunter
- caemidraws @caemiel
- Lloyd Hoshide @Lloydo6
- Heather Hood @TotalPartyKillr
- Lydia Tee @2impostors
- LINES – @cmartinezart COLOR – @nickcaponiart
- Carlos Ruiz @Kairuiz_
- Distr @Distrbeachboy
- Casey Bieda @sketchingsprw
- Meggie Fox @meggiebfox
- @GalacticJonah
- Ash @planarbindings
- Noah Warner @TehSasquatch
- Jess Campbell @SeeJessCampbell
- Nika @_nikanono
- @GalacticJonah
- Ash @planarbindings
- Tyrone Andersen @Troeton
- Bill Washington @bill_wash
- Ilya Salnikov
- @meatbirthing
- @hla-rosa
- @Saturnberries
- Katy Grierson @kovahs_art
- Tess Fowler @TessFowler
- Josh Ketchen @c_outpouring
- Joshua Mock @joshua_mock
- Ilya Salnikov
- Ben Masi @Mainframe110
- Ben Masi @Mainframe110
- Caio Santos @BlackSalander
- Lee Haz @leehzart
- @AnanasDragon
Tagged as fan art