Elden Ring One-Shot: O Ye of Little Faith
This one-shot is sponsored by our friends at Bandai Namco and their brand new, highly anticipated, action-RPG – Elden Ring. Check out Elden Ring on all platforms right now at https://bit.ly/CREldenRing
GM Matthew Mercer leads a group of the Tarnished comprised of our very own Marisha Ray and Sam Riegel, as well as special guests Krystina Arielle, Brennan Lee Mulligan, and Alexander Ward through the Lands Between.
GM Matthew Mercer: https://twitter.com/matthewmercer
Marisha Ray: https://twitter.com/Marisha_Ray
Sam Riegel: https://twitter.com/samriegel
Krystina Arielle: https://twitter.com/KrystinaArielle
Brennan Lee Mulligan: https://twitter.com/BrennanLM
Alexander Ward: https://twitter.com/AlexWard777
Character art by Jessica Nguyen