Exandria: An Intimate Appendix | Ruidus and the Gods

Given recent changes regarding the little red moon known as Rudius, the Cobalt Soul wants to set the record straight with a deep lore dive into the history of Rudius and the Gods.

Starring our beloved Lore Keeper Dani Carr, we hope it serves as a helpful resource as ongoing updates with Ruidus continue to unravel.

Also, check out all of the amazing artists who contributed to this video! Pieces are in order of appearance:

Illustrious Guardians by Ameera Sheikh || @Mikandii

Two Moons by Clara Daly || @EldritchBlep

Imogen, Otohan, & Fearne Character Art by Hannah Friederichs || @agarthanguide

Goblinkin by Hieu Nguyen || @WTH153

Halflings by Katheryn Wheeler || @Azraillu

Tieflings by Katheryn Wheeler || @Azraillu

Humans by Katheryn Wheeler || @Azraillu

Elves by Claudia Iannciello || @ClaudiaSG4

King Drassig by Claudia Iannciello || @ClaudiaSG4

The Battle of Umbra Hills by Jeleynai || @jeleynai

Umbra Hills by Cyarna Trim || @cyarna

The Founding by Cyarna Trim || @cyarna

The Arrival by Cyarna Trim || @cyarna

The Endless Shadow & The Fateshaper: What Remains (Ethedok & Vordo: What Remains) by Cyarna Trim || @cyarna

The Birth of Ruidus by Wesley Griffith || @justwesley

The Judicators by Jess Nguyen || @Jessketchin

The Ruidian City by Clara Daly || @EldritchBlep

The Leylines of Exandria by Cyarna Trim || @cyarna

Current track

